14 Maart 2020

1 May 2021

meet our bridal party

while we are sharing the ladies & men...
Have you ever wondered what the difference is between a man and a woman?
Women are crazy and men are stupid. And the main reason why women are crazy is because men are stupid. When men visit together they insult each other over and over, but they do not really mean it. When women visit together, they compliment each other over and over, but they do not really mean it.
Women have a whole box of shoes - a pair for every occasion. Men basically have a pair of shoes for most occasions. The rest of the time he walks barefoot. A woman's car is usually so untidy that a cat can get her little ones without anyone having to notice it for months, while her room is as neat as a Zen garden. With a man it's reversed - his car looks flawless, while his room looks like a pigsty.
A woman processes a cold like a champion. Armed with a small pack of tissues and a lemon tea, she’s not allowing a runny nose get her down and she’s fine within just three days. A man on the other side ... well, let's just say that the undertaker must be ready.
Comparing a man's brain with that of a woman is truly comparing apples with pears. For decades, psychologists and scientists try to keep the differences (and solutions) ahead of us. But even to libraries, full of wonderful pioneering work such as Men's from Mars, What women want and The five Languages, there is still no one who can make it easier for one generation to understand the other.